Company Create Separated Class by Innovation Changshin is a specialized Nike footwear manufacturing company that was founded in 1981. In 1995, we established off-shore factories in Vietnam and China; Indonesia in 2010. Also, our manufacturing competitiveness has been advanced by forging a global network that connects Korea-Vietnam-China-Indonesia. In 1997, Changshin adopted the Toyota Production System(TPS) for […]
Company We are travelers and technologists. We work across time zones, hemispheres, cultures, and languages. We stay open and curious. We thrive on breaking things down and building them back up again until they’re even better. We know travel can be hard. But we also know it’s worth it every time. Because we believe […]
Company 아데코그룹은포춘글로벌 500대기업중하나로세계 60개국에 5000개이상의지사를두고있는 HR 서비스분야의세계 1위기업입니다. 전세계 60개국에서일하는 3만명이상의동료들과함께미래를위한전략 “Future@Work”을구축하며더나은미래를위한일을해나가는글로벌선도기업입니다. 아데코코리아는아데코그룹의한국지사로, 글로벌환경에서전문화된 HR 서비스(인재파견, 아웃소싱, 채용대행, 임원헤드헌팅서비스등)를제공하는종합 HR 솔루션기업입니다. 아데코코리아는모든직원들이동등하게존중받는수평적인조직문화를가지고있습니다. 차별없는공정한보상과육아기단축근무조건및육아휴직제도를통해직원들이커리어를계속해서발전시킬수있는환경을조성합니다. 외국어사용기회가많아국제역량을키울수있는환경이며, 글로벌인트라넷및커리어사이트를통해상시로국가별 Open position을공유하며국가간근무지이동을장려합니다. 우리의비전 “Making the future work for everyone”에따라, 아데코그룹내다양한글로벌브랜드에서다양한직업및경력성장기회를제공합니다. Adecco International Mentoring Program(AIM)을비롯한그룹시니어리더와의멘토링기회, Early Career Program(IFL)을통한젊은리더육성, 그리고 Degreed 온라인교육플랫폼을활용하여언제어디서나학습이가능한환경을제공하며직원들의성장을지원합니다. Open Position Recruitment Operation Coordinator [주요업무]1. 포지션: Recruitment Operation Coordinator2. 근무지: 서울시송파구3. 근무형태: 정규직[About the role]• Ensuring […]